For the owner, to whom family is everything, Excel Construction Group has been a labor of love; built on integrity, relationships in the community, and with the mission of unrivaled customer service. In 1992, Felix Salinas started a small roofing and masonry company, working right alongside his crews. It is a testament to his standards and work ethic that Excel Construction Group grew into the company it is today. We incorporated in 1996 and now have locations in the DFW area, Austin, Houston, San Antonio, the Panhandle and the Midwest.
This may be the main reason why you came to this website. You are trying to decide on a roofing company. Every company has some brag points and always seems to talk about those. So how do you know what is really important? We believe you should take your time and do some research. It would be a big mistake to consider roofing as a commodity where all products and companies are the same.
Why would you trust a company without a track record when even the most basic shingles come with a 20-year warranty?